Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/24 Field Trip

Last Friday we took a trip to downtown KC and went to the Bill Brady Gallery. They had this really awesome display up. Literately up, hanging from the ceiling. The artwork was called 'WILD FUSION" by Michael Manning. What I really loved about this art was that it was a all on a screen with smaller 'worlds' around it. The worlds were made of small glass open orbs filled with sand and something else to make it look like it was living. 

You can see above of the hanging screen and the huge painted canvas all suspended by wires. The entire exhibit was huge.

Above, this is one of my favorite things I saw last week. It looks kind of creepy but I just thought it was so cool. This was un-named at the Unplugged  project where we went back to their back rooms where they conduct their meetings. 

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