Thursday, January 15, 2015

Leadership Strengths

Last Friday, e-Comm students took a test to find our strengths and see how we tick. Similar to last year when we took a personality test and I received the letters ISTJ. I also took the test and found out my strengths as well as my weaknesses.

My Top Five Strengths

1) Intellection

I enjoy thinking, some mental games,generally I am the kind of person who rather be thinking rather than talking. I believe this fits me well for I am also a bit of an introverted person who enjoys the company of few. 

2) Analytical

It means that I challenge people by asking for proof, and facts rather than opinions or assumptions. It sounds a bit cold and demanding but the value remains unhindered. I look for patterns or connections to things and link them together. 

3) Deliberative

As a private person, I want my personal space but don't mind if a friend is the one to pop my personal bubble. I don't want to take risks unless I have a good grip of the possible outcome, otherwise I'll play it safe. I plan ahead and don't enjoy having plans mess up. I give credit where credit is do instead of handing them out freely. 

4) Harmony

I rather avoid a useless argument or look for an option where there would be little friction. With people who hold different view, I sometimes act as a mediator. I don't see the reasons for enforcing a particular view on someone else and I strongly believe in respecting others opinions and differences even if they are different from your own. Differences don't matter much as long as there's no bashing of a view. 

5) Input

I love collecting information. I like collecting facts or things only whispered of as well as material objects like pictures. I like to travel to learn new things and expand my view of the world as well as people. 

My Domains 

Strategic Thinker

From this test, it deemed me as a Strategic Thinker. I think this is pretty accurate but someone else might think differently. 
Intellectionanalytical, and input are all under Strategic Thinker category.


Deliberative is under Executing, or the let's go do this kind of person. 

Relationship Building

And Harmony is under Relationship Building, which I'm a bit surprised in this because I don't exactly try to build relationships and rather let them happen on their own. 


I have nothing in Influencing, which I'm not surprised about and kind of laughed. I don't try to influence others but rather agree, disagree, or find common ground.