Monday, February 9, 2015

How To Make a GIF

What is a GIF?

 A GIF (pronounced 'JIF')stands for Graphic Interchange Format and can be used for small animations and low-resolution film clips.

Background History

Eadweard Muybridge was a great and famous photographer who later created the Zoopraxiscope which worked by showing a sequence of still photographs in rapid succession. If you've seen Tarzan, it's that wheel of pictures that Jane showed him that spun and the pictures slowly showed the first motion graphics.

A GIF of a Zoopraxiscope
 GIFs were first used in 1987 by Steve Wilhite that retained a compressed format. It started as another way to advertise things via web but really didn't last long in the purpose. From advertisement it went to art, a way to show movement without sound that didn't take up as much space as a video. 

GIFs are mainly used on Tumblr since it took up GIF formats. Now you can make GIFs from videos or pics and can be used on almost any website and on mobile devices.